Darts Weekend

the day before yesterday :

- my turn to hit the board and suddently i hear something that always gets to me and brings me that beautiful smile on my face i just can't hide :

yes it's them

- now yesterday was way harder, way way harder because i heard all of these and i wasn't the one to choose the playlist :

cure - lullaby

cure - love song

3 doors down

3 doors down again

and then this

.... i found myself just stunned ... it has no logic at all ... but that's the way it is ... maybe always be no matter how hard i try not to ...... been wondering again for an eternity on that wooden bridge letting my mind fly away to other times and simply smile

.... beauty is always touched by emotion ... too bad we can't hold on to it .... 'cause in front of it everything bad or ugly just fades away no matter it's intensity...


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