
Well..it seems whining is a fashion these days. The world has gone mad, like that didn't happen a long time ago :)

Well we've got several types or whiners :

General whiner : this one seems to be made for the job. He complains about everything. Complaining is a kind of discovery channel for him/her.

Working whiner : no matter if he/she's overworked or not everything is fucking wrong. He's to good for everything and everyone around him.

Political whiner : well this focker is well known throughout history :)

Unlucky whiner - a kind of general whiner but he's so unlucky i.e. stupid everything is going wrong for him.

And my personal favorite : Internet whiner :)

Well this one is an exquisite whiner : he is addicted to internet and he usually has a site/blog or anything resembling a virtual page.

Sometimes he's funny, sometimes he's serious and everything he writes is about something wrong in the world with a few exceptions :)

He thinks he expresses himself and he's trying to add clever meanings to his writings.
Actually he'll never exceed stupidity. But off course this idiot is a little genius and only few people can understand him :)

and there would be a lot of funny stuff about these specimens and a few more to depict in here but we wouldn't wanna turn into whiners would wE?


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